Can Bubble Tea Launch
We now deliver our bubble tea cans straight to your door! 🏡 This month we organised a preorder and even sent some to our lovely VIP customers! They absolutely loved them and so will you! 🥰
Our Bubble Tea Cans can be taken with you wherever you go, to the beach, on a hike or to a picnic. 🏖 The opportunities are endless and now you don't need to worry about it bursting in your bag! They last up to 3 weeks in the fridge, are boosted with vitamin C and have reduced sugar! 🍋
The flavours include:
Blue grape with lychee popping juice balls 🍇
Mangoberry with cherry popping juice balls 🍓
Bandtea 🎸 Astrolotea 🌌 Movitea 🎬
You may have noticed that we have new signs up in our shop. These ideas came from our very own (and newest team member) Joseph! 🥳
Ask for a bandtea and we will make a tea inspired by your favourite band. Apologies if we have never heard of them but we’ll try our best. 🥁
Astrolotea is based around your star sign! Just your sun sign though I’m afraid. It’s quite hard to make a tea inspired by your moon and rising too! 🌙
Moviteas is based on your favourite movie! Expect your tea to take a long time if you ask for a lesser known film. We’re in the back watching the whole thing to really get a feel for the colours! 📺
Sci-fi con
Really just can’t stay away from the conventions can we?
This month our lovely founder May Gem hopped on over to Edinburgh to sell some merch and of course, bubble teas! The people of Sci-Fi con loved our teas so much that we sold out of everything. 🙌
This week we will also be at Animanga con and have created a special drink for the occasion. A pink peach fruit tea with a mix of strawberry and peach popping juice balls! Check out our Instagram to vote for your favourite name (it’s really voting for your favourite anime). 🥸
Fun fact! I was actually supposed to go to Sci-fi con this year to help out but we all agreed that it may be dangerous due to the high number of Tempo Newsletter fans in attendance. 💁♀️ Our lovely Joey was also an option but (and this will only be shocking to my fellow Doctor Who fans) when shown a picture of Davos, Joey said he was R2D2… 🤦♀️ safe to say she would have been very confused by the whole experience.
Of course in reality they needed Joey and I to bring our big muscles to Tempo Flow. What is Tempo Flow I hear you ask…👂
Tempo Flow
Tempo Flow! Last Sunday we held three different exercise classes at our community centre in Rutherglen. 🏋️♀️
The first was an Intro to animal flow class. Animal flow is a bodyweight exercise routine that improves strength, flexibility and power at home. 🦀
The second was circuits! 45 minutes of high intensity full body circuit training. Circuits are great for anyone wanting a full body workout that will leave you feeling the effects for days! 😵
The last class of the day was Kundalini yoga. Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that involves chanting, signing, breathing exercises and repetitive poses. Its purpose is to activate your Kundalini energy or shakti. 🧘♀️
Our hope is for these classes to become a regular thing at our community space so come along and workout with us! 🤗
Megan started + Duncan's anniversary
We have a new arrival at Tempo! Everyone say hi to Megan! 👋
Megan will be helping us with online orders at our fulfilment centre. So if you receive an order with very lovely handwriting then that’s her! ✍️
We also celebrated 1 year with Duncan! 🎂 Duncan is in charge of our fulfilment centre (I think at least…he does a lot so I’m not sure what his role is).
And now…a list of things Duncan has to put up with:
- Joey
- Annie
- Joey and Annie together
- Joey and Annie asking for his internet password despite him telling us multiple times per day
We appreciate you Duncan! Thanks for the internet! 💻