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13 Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea

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13 Health Benefits Of Drinking Tea
Tea is a popular hot beverage all across the world, and it isn’t consumed purely for the taste. Here’s why tea can be beneficial for you.
A number of scientific researchers have been investigating the possible health benefits contained within tea. And now it appears there’s a growing body of evidence to suggest that drinking tea could actually ward off some very serious conditions, including cancer, obesity and dehydration.

Studies have suggested that drinking three or more cups of tea a day could actually be better for you than drinking the same amount of water, with the antioxidants contained within tea boosting the body’s health, at the same time as rehydrating it.

The main health benefits of tea drinking

1. Tea reduces the risk of heart disease
Tea can potentially improve the blood flow around the body, by widening key arteries and reducing the risk of clots. Tea also contains antioxidants called ‘flavonoids’, which may slow down the onset and risk of heart disease.

2. Tea hydrates the body
Although water is the prime fluid for rehydrating the body after exercise or a long day in the office, some scientists believe that drinking tea could be equally useful. Although high in caffeine, tea is still great for hydration as it provides a rich and flavorsome source of water.

3. Tea prevents tooth decay
Believe it or not, a regular supply of tea can really strengthen your teeth and lower the risk of tooth decay. Tea is a great source of fluoride, which can bolster tooth enamel. The antioxidants contained within a cuppa have also been known to fight against bacteria and gum disease.

4. Slimming through tea drinking
Some scientific studies have suggested that regular tea drinking can help to keep body fat down by speeding up the burning of calories. If nothing else, it’s less fattening than sipping on a soft drink.

5. Boosting memory power with tea
Many scientists believe that certain types of tea, such as green tea, can strengthen memory cells in the brain, and offer protection from the development of dementia and even Alzheimer’s Disease. No wonder old people drink so much tea. 

6. Beating cancer through the power of tea
Some high-profile studies have recently suggested that tea drinking could seriously help your chances of avoiding cancer. Although research is still developing in this area, reports indicate that prostate, mouth and breast cancer cases are much lower amongst those who regularly drink five or more cups of tea a day.

7. Your risk of diabetes decreases
Drinking black tea every day can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes by helping to control your blood sugar after meals. According to a study in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, black tea can lower your blood sugar after eating foods containing sucrose. If you’re ready to do more, don’t miss these 71 ways to prevent type 2 diabetes.

8. Your sleep could improve
If you spend your nights tossing and turning, try winding down with a cup of herbal tea—no caffeine, of course—before bed. “East-Asian medicinal tea can improve insomnia,” says Dr. Naidoo. According to a study in Integrative Medicine Research, drinking tea can help improve sleep and quality of life in those with mild-to-moderate insomnia.

9. Your attention span may improve
The caffeine in tea can improve your attention and alertness. “Theanine is an amino acid that is virtually unique to tea (apart from the fungus Bay bolete),” explains Dr. Naidoo. “It may also improve attention by relaxing the brain, but stimulating it when it is time to focus.” If you ever find yourself having difficulty with focus or concentration, try steeping a warm cup of tea just before it’s time to work or consider these other foods that might help you focus.

10. Your metabolism speeds up
“The caffeine in tea helps to improve mental acuity as well as increase metabolism and fat burning (up to 100 calories per day),” says Dr. Kouri. Just be sure you’re not overdoing it in the caffeine department. One cup of green tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, and Dr. Kouri recommends limiting your daily caffeine intake to no more than 300 to 400 milligrams. Before sipping, don’t miss what you should know about drinking tea while intermittent fasting.

11. Lower Cholesterol
Green tea was found to help lower cholesterol, both total serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Most sources suggest five cups of tea a day to provide results, but multiple studies show a higher consumption may lead to the biggest drop in cholesterol.

12. Anti-Aging Effects
The polyphenols found in tea can help boost cell turnover, which will help reverse the signs of wrinkles, loss of moisture and skin texture.

13. Stronger Immune System
Antioxidants present in tea can help strengthen the immune system to ward off disease and illness

How much tea should you drink?
Studies vary on how many cups of tea to drink per day. You want to get the most benefits without overdoing the caffeine. “To get the maximum health benefits from green tea, it is most effective to drink three to five cups of green tea per day,” recommends Dr. Kouri.


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